David Icke & Robbie Williams

New, Sun, Bizarre editor Gordon claims David Icke and Robbie Williams are hanging out together, which is mildly diverting (if true) but since it's just a claim by an unnamed source, it's the sort of thing you'd imagine being palmed off to someone further down the bench.

The "source" observes:

It’s an odd acquaintance, to say the least.

Is it? Both are keen on football; both are awash in an LA which doesn't take them seriously; both believe in aliens and stuff like that a little too much; both are people who were in the public eye who are clearly damaged; and, of course, both have performed on the main stage at Glastonbury. And since they met in a restaurant, both are moving in the same circles.

What is notable, though, is that the words "Bizarre editor" have been dropped again from Gordon's byline.

No Rock and Roll Fun.com


TraceyDeakin said...

There once was a silly editor
Who wrote with sillier ink
He was swallowed by an alien though
Who was fond of things that stink
But when that alien has a poo
As all aliens do,
That editor will need some help,
Cause he's trapped in a martian loo.

TraceyDeakin said...

There once was a silly editor
Who wrote with sillier ink
He was swallowed by an alien though
Who was fond of things that stink
But when that alien has a poo
As all aliens do,
That editor will need some help,
Cause he's trapped in a martian loo.